
Crescent Park

United Methodist Church

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Our Mission

Increasing Love for God and Neighbor

Romans 12: 4-8

For as in one body we have many members, and not all members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another.  We have gifts that differ according to the grace given us: prophecy, in proportion to faith; ministry, in ministering; the teacher, in teaching; the exhorter, in exhortation; the giver, in generosity; the leader, in diligence; the compassionate, in cheerfulness.


Administrative Ministry

1._ _ _ _ _Office Assistant

2._ _ _ _ _Assist with Mailings

3._ _ _ _ _Records Assistant

4._ _ _ _ _Media Assistant  

5._ _ _ _ _Library Assistant


6._ _ _ _ _Communications Planning

7._ _ _ _ _News Letter Assistant

8._ _ _ _ _ Advertising and Publicity

9._ _ _ _ _Photography

10._ _ _ _ Web Page Assistant

11._ _ _ _ Power Point Assistant

12._ _ _ _ Video Recording & Editing

13._ _ _ _ Operating Sound System

14._ _ _ _ Organizing Bulletin Boards


15._ _ _ _ Small Group Coordinator

16._ _ _ _ Attend Sunday Morning Class

17._ _ _ _ Lead Sunday Morning Class

18._ _ _ _ Attend Weekday Study Group

19._ _ _ _ Lead Weekly Study Group

20._ _ _ _ Host Weekly Study Group

Children Ministry:

21._ _ _ _ Assist Children's Church

22._ _ _ _ Lead Children's Church

23._ _ _ _ Assist Youth Group

24._ _ _ _ Lead Youth Group

25._ _ _ _ V.B.S.  Teacher

26._ _ _ _ V.B.S. Assistant

27._ _ _ _ Child Care Assistant

28._ _ _ _ Assist Camp Coordinator

29._ _ _ _ Christmas Programming

30._ _ _ _ Substutute Teacher

31._ _ _ _ Assistant Teacher for “Kid’s for Christ”

32._ _ _ _ Wednesday Night Children’s Program

      “Kids for Christ”   

Congregational Care

33._ _ _ _ Home-bound Visitation

34._ _ _ _ Hospital Visitation

35._ _ _ _ Prayer Chain

36._ _ _ _ Meal Delivery

37._ _ _ _ Transportation Assistant

Congregational Fellowship

38._ _ _ _ Assist with Coordinating Meals 

39._ _ _ _ Assist with Sunday Refreshments

40._ _ _ _ Assist with Funeral Luncheons

41._ _ _ _ Assist with Luncheons / Dinners

      _ _ _ _ _ _ Assist with Turkey Dinner

      _ _ _ _ _ _ Assists with other Dinners

Worship Ministries

42._ _ _ _ Usher

43._ _ _ _ Greeter

44._ _ _ _ Assist with Worship Visuals

45._ _ _ _ Assist with Seasonal Decorations

46._ _ _ _ Assist with Communion Preparations

Music Ministry

47._ _ _ _ Choir

48._ _ _ _ Children’s Choir

49._ _ _ _ Special Music

Building and Grounds:

50._ _ _ _ Planting Flowers and Shrubs

51._ _ _ _ Interior Painting

52._ _ _ _ Carpentry

53._ _ _ _ Electrical

54._ _ _ _ Plumbing

Fund Raisers:

55._ _ _ _ Turkey Dinner

56._ _ _ _ Ice Cream Social

57._ _ _ _ Chili Cook Off

58._ _ _ _ Peanut Brittle

59._ _ _ _ Rummage Sale

60._ _ _ _ Assisting with Coordinating Events

Youth Ministries:

61._ _ _ _ Teaching

62._ _ _ _ Mentor

63._ _ _ _ Youth Council

64._ _ _ _ Transportation

65._ _ _ _ Assist with Projects

Church Growth

66._ _ _ _ Calling on Visitors

67._ _ _ _ Welcome Center Hostess

68._ _ _ _ Phone Follow-up

69._ _ _ _ Marketing Assistant

70._ _ _ _ Sponsor “Guiding Angels”

71._ _ _ _ Coordinating Welcome Pamphlets

72._ _ _ _ Assisting with Outreach Events

Administrative Teams    

73._ _ _ _ Assisting Trustees

74._ _ _ _ Assisting Worship

75._ _ _ _ Assisting Finance

76._ _ _ _ Assisting Pastor Parish

77._ _ _ _ Assisting Memorial

78._ _ _ _ Assisting Missions

79._ _ _ _ Assisting Christian Education

80._ _ _ _ Assisting the Auditing Team  

81._ _ _ _ Assisting Lay Leadership “Nominations”

82._ _ _ _ Assisting Church Growth

83._ _ _ _ Assisting Membership Care

Additional Groups:

84.-----Pray Shawl "Hooked on Prayer" 

85.-----Book Sudy Group "Coffee and Conversations

86.-----Prayer Chain