Please enjoy our list of Bulletins.
Services may change according to special music, programs or events.
Communion Typically, we celebrate Communion on the first Sunday of the month. We offer open communion:
All are welcome to come forward for communion. You don’t need to be a member of this Church to receive the Lord’s Supper. Please follow the directions of the ushers. You may stand or kneel at the rail or return to your seat for prayer. Please inform an usher if you need communion served to you where you are seated. You may use this time to be in prayer for yourself and those who are at the altar. God Bless you.
The Children's Change
This is a special offering typically taken during the first Sunday service of each month. We offer an opportunity for people to give to the Church all of their loose change. All proceeds that are received are used to offer grants that enable children to attend Church Camp.